Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Sally Chronicles: SeaWheeze 2013 - 9 Days and Counting! I got This!

Well there are 9 more days until the 2013 SeaWheeze race!  I could not be more excited and energized to go to Vancouver BC to participate in this great 21.1kms (13.1mile) event that lives up to the spirit of Lululemon and their "Sweat once a Day" theme.  My training has been going well.  The heat and humidity finally broke last week and and I flew through a 30km run on Sunday.  (ok I went overboard my training only called for 19km :) but when the running is good , what can I say, I keep going!) This is my last week of hard training and then next week is my taper to race day, and of course a necessary round of carb loading to get fueled for the race.

I can't wait to share this event and experience with all of you at MBFY.  I will be blogging each day from the "Wheeze" so you all can get a virtual taste of the city and how Lululemon puts on a party!  I will also be wearing a "GoPro" camera for the race to capture some of the magic live from the race, from a runners view.  (I will turn the sound off so you do not hear some of my Ahem "special" cheers for the hill on Burrard Street over the Bay!

To give all you yogi's a taste here is the race course (note the cheer sections, last year LuLu had drag queens, gospel choirs, Chinese dragon dancers, and mermaids as the cheer stations) what will they do this year?  
Also you will see the "official" SeaWheeze participant shorts that we were all sent.  Very cool!

Stay tuned Yogis

SeaWheeze Race Course

Official SeaWheeze Shorts

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Welcome to Beyond the Mat

Hi Yogis,
Welcome to Beyond the Mat...our blog chronicling the adventures of MBFY yogis as they take their yoga way beyond their yoga mats and into the world.

Ideally, everything we do on our yoga mats is preparation for the world beyond our mats - it's where we get to test our balance, strength and flexibility.

Tell us about your adventures beyond the mat.  Where has your yoga practice come in handy and how is it helping you live with balance, strength and flexibility?

To get us started, we will follow Sally Erikson as she heads off to Vancouver, BC to participate in the Sea Wheeze 1/2 Marathon hosted by Lululemon.  Experience this unique event through the Sally Chronicles.